Color us happy! Prime welcomes Buddy the Elf as a special, one-day-only employee. He’s here to answer the phone and spread cheer.
Originally from the North Pole, Buddy identifies as an elf but clarified, “Technically, I’m a human, but I was raised by elves.” After discovering his father’s name on Santa’s Naughty List, Buddy traveled to New York City to search for his dad and try to change the man’s Christmas list fate.
Buddy said his journey to reach the Big Apple was epic. The experience was the kind of adventure about which children’s books are written. “I traveled through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, past the sea of twirly-swirly gum drops,” he described, “and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.”
Though he is very likable – at times almost annoyingly so – Buddy admits he once was thrown out of and subsequently banned from Gimbel’s Department Store. A misunderstanding turned riotous after Buddy called out the store’s Santa for being “a fake.”

Buddy’s affinity for elf culture is just one of his many redeeming qualities. He also enjoys doling out hugs, saying “Francisco,” and sniffing out those who might try to impersonate Santa. Buddy also likes to smile. He doesn’t need a reason, he insisted: “I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite,” he said – fittingly, with a smile.
Buddy has a younger half-brother, Michael, and is a whiz at snowball fights and burping, much to Michael’s delight.
In his free time, Buddy points out the obvious to anyone who will listen. And he isn’t one to pass up a meal, so long as it’s tasty. “We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup,” he said.
Our one-day-only receptionist finds joy in little things, such as whispering, running in circles through revolving doors, the variety of flavors still surprisingly infused in discarded pieces of chewing gum, decorating to perfection for the Christmas holiday, and buying gifts for “that special someone.” Just ask his dad.
Buddy is most looking forward to circulating holiday happiness – through song. “The best way to spread Christmas cheer,” he said, “is singing loud for all to hear.”
Prime is beyond thrilled to have this larger-than-life personality present (wink!) on this very special “Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day,” and we look forward to finding out everyone’s favorite color.