Mother’s Day is right around the corner and our staff would like to honor all the mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers out there! A mother is a very special person who is there to care for you, cook for you, and love you no matter what. As you grow up, they guide you through life, always with a lesson to teach and advice to give, regardless of if you are listening. As adults, some of our mothers’ words will stick with us and continue to guide us through everyday life. To show our appreciation to our mothers, some of the Prime Advertising Team would like to share their mothers’ best lessons and words of wisdom.
Taylor Brown
“Life is short, buy the shoes.”
Susan Arkell
“Be nice. Fake it until you make it. Call your mother.”
Sara Biren
“It might not get better, but it will get different.”

MacKenzie Kush
The best advice my mom has given me is to stay true to myself! She is the epitome of that statement, and I’m so thankful for her unconditional love and support.
Cathy Marxen
My mom always told me to write a list. I fought it in my younger days. As I get older, I fully understand the importance of lists.
Mark J. Murray
My mom always taught me, “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”
Greg Anzelc
When we moved into our first house we had a neighbor who was not very neighborly. When I told my mother about this neighbor, she told me that while we didn’t have to be friends, we should still be friendly. I have remembered this and passed it along to my own kids as they have grown up, that in their own lives, they don’t have to be friends with everyone, but they should always be friendly.
Allison Benson
“This too shall pass.” She used to say this a lot when I was in school and when life gets hard. Nothing lasts forever and I can make it through anything.
Samantha Ortiz
“As long as you try your best, that’s all that really matters.”
Hilary Jeon
“If you don’t have money to buy someone a gift, make it!” This got me through some poor college Christmases. They are some of the best gifts my family has received, and I still make gifts on occasion because I like creating things. Her advice has inspired one of my hobbies!
Shauna Smart
Starting when I was very young, my mom would give my hand a few quick squeezes that relayed a special message and it always made me feel so great! I taught my kids the same and we use it often. I love having this secret communication with them and grateful my mom shared it with me.
We hope you cherish and show your appreciation to all the inspirational women in your life this Mother’s Day!