In this unusual year when so many things seemed to stand still, members of the PRIME Team found plenty of reasons to keep plugging along. As we bid adieu to 2020, let’s look back and remember the morsels of inspiration that helped carry us through.
I am thankful to be able to keep in touch with those I care about most,
binge watch a good show, or catch a band’s livestream.
I say this almost every year, but this year’s winner goes to burrata.
Family, friends, and pets
They are the reason I am thankful for technology, and I know they all
love cheese just as much as I do!

This year, I’m grateful for:
New home, new puppy, healthy family
Good books
Foo Fighters

Being able to spend more time with my wife and our two kids
Being able to truly appreciate how lucky I am
More time for pizza!!!

What I’m most grateful for this year:
That our Martin Zellar House Concert still happened
(and it was AHH-mazing!!)
Silly kittehs, silly doggos, and a loving husband
Technology that allows me to work, watch movies, and
catch live music shows from home

I am grateful for…
Amazon Prime
Having a home during COVID
A stable job with PRIME
My new pup, Duffy

Here are my three things…
Virtual meetings to keep us connected
Walks around Fish Lake with my husband and dog
Books, Netflix, Hulu, and Prime Video

Three things I’m grateful for this year:
Being able to enjoy home-cooked meals as a family and adding tasty new options to the menu. Also, our kiddos have become more involved with helping prepare the food and cleaning up afterwards. They also helped me build our new dining room table that all our meals are now enjoyed at.
We now have a few days during the week that have specific activities/events that the family looks forward to: Movie Night, Game Night, and let’s not forget Malt Mondays! We wanted to have a few things to look forward to.
Being able to still get outside and reconnect with the outdoors. I made it a point this year to get my family out for a few daytrips to the North Shore to do some hiking. We’ve also enjoyed our fair share of evenings around the fire this year.

Obviously, there are the usual things to be grateful for (family, health, food, roof) but I wanted to be more specific to the 2020 climate and my suburban bubble:
Less time in my car and more time to rediscover my love of reading
(yay for escapism!)
Our newly revamped deck, pellet grill, fire table, and reason to spend time with my family outdoors.
For sure internet, texting/FaceTime, and social platforms to maintain connection while isolating. Special shoutout to GIFs and the levity they provide.

I am thankful this year that I have had such good quarantine company with my dogs and husband and that everyone is healthy.
I am also thankful for the opportunity to slow down and take up interesting projects like planting a garden, trying to make sourdough bread, taking more webinars/classes, and updating my front step with a skeleton in
a pirate costume.

My boyfriend moving from Colorado to Minnesota
Discovering new talents and not being afraid to try new things
Finding and buying our forever home

My husband and I having stable jobs
My family and friends being safe and healthy
Spontaneously adopting our second child, Finn

I am most thankful…
That my family, including my parents, are still with me and relatively healthy.
That my husband and I still have jobs.
That, although I didn’t get to go somewhere new this past summer, I was still able to get away to the lake for a few weeks and spend some (socially distanced) time with family and the grandkids.

Three things I’m grateful for this year:
A fun family trip with my husband and two boys to Disney World, Hollywood Studios, and LEGOLAND that we got in early in the year!
Our newest addition to the family, Bandit, the cutest Whoodle ever and
a very fun distraction this year
The many memories made with more time spent together as a family – trips to the cabin, building and launching rockets, playing games, completing puzzles, riding bikes, family dinners, and so much more!