“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson
We think Willie Nelson’s on to something, and science backs him up. Studies show that regularly practicing gratitude can increase long-term well-being and happiness, among many other benefits. This can be as simple as writing down three things you’re thankful for every evening before bed. Who couldn’t use a little more happiness in their lives? And what better time to start practicing gratitude than during the Thanksgiving season? We’ve once again put together the Prime Team’s annual gratitude list, and we hope you’ll be inspired to count your blessings, too.
Family and friends
Anniversary and reunion tours

Fuzzy blankets
My husband and our two furballs, Belle and Pork Chop

I’m thankful for my best friend Melissa (18 years and counting), who’s been my rock this past year, and the opportunity to learn about other cultures together.

I am grateful for my wonderful family!

My wonderful husband and kids. They are loving and supportive, and awesome to be around!
My health

I’m grateful for our new baby granddaughter, pictured with her proud big brother.

Adventures with my family


Lake days
Instagram filters

I’m thankful that all my friends and family are healthy and happy, that we moved into a nice neighborhood with cool neighbors, and for our new and old cuddly buddies.

2019 has been a year of gratitude. Not only am I thankful for all of these things around the holiday, I am thankful for them ALL year long.
Blue – She’s the reason I get up in the morning. Mainly because she has to go to the bathroom and eat. 😊

My Mom – My Rock ❤

Lyle – He’s my best friend, my personal chef, my Netflix/Prime Video and chill buddy, bingo partner, chauffeur, Starbucks loving, bacon to my eggs and steak to my air fryer. I’ll stop there. 😊

My Girlfriends – Only a few of them are pictured here. I have the BEST accountability partners in all facets of my life. I’m thankful for the love, support and honesty that exudes from the women. ❤

My garden

The great outdoors

This past year was a doozy, so there is plenty for which I am thankful.
I am thankful that bone cancer only took Pooper kitteh’s leg but neither his spirit nor his life at the start of the year. I’m thankful that I had another 10 months of mostly heartwarming but some heartbreaking memories with my giant monstah floof before just recently having to say goodnight for the last time. And while it wasn’t nearly long enough, I am thankful for the 11 perfectly imperfect years I was able to comfort and care for Tiny Poo. She had a litany of health issues her entire life, but I loved her all the same. She truly was the tiniest cutest.

I am thankful for 10 years (and counting) with a husband who is supportive, encouraging, loving, and profoundly understanding.

I am thankful for two gentle and hilarious doggos, for the good times and great tunes at Martin Zellar and Gear Daddies shows, and for being closer to family and friends while maintaining solid connections with my St. Cloud pals.

And I am thankful for the network of friends that just helped us welcome two new furry family members, Arthur James and Luna Moon Beam, and the foresight to know that adopting kittens can be a challenge but is ultimately an immeasurable reward.

I’m thankful for the fun and adventures throughout the year with my loving family and great friends.

Our new puppy, Starr (as in Ringo and Bart)

Travel and book events for my second YA novel, COLD DAY IN THE SUN

Fun times with family

Concerts, vinyl records, and good books

The amazing North Metro Wrestling program I get to be part of as a coach

The opportunity to explore the world

My adorable bunny, Mochi

My wife, whom I love dearly and who drives me to be a better person every single day

My kids, who provide boundless love and entertainment

My yearly trips to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area